So you’ve written your book; now what? Let’s face it, on the whole most of us… we’re writers. YOU are writers. Not assessors, or developmental or copy editors, or beta readers (don’t get me started), or proofreaders, or layout artists/typesetters, or marketers. That’s just where I was, before I changedContinue Reading

So, we have owned the domain for around 8 years or more. When I first registered it, I looked for the .com domain but GoDaddy had it parked, and for sale at an outrageous figure. So I settled for But every year or two I have looked itContinue Reading

Hello, all you writers out there! We intend to provide interesting – no, fascinating! – blog posts here now and then, giving insights into writing and publishing machinations, and possibly occasionally wondering about the world of the honey badger in Africa, flying mahobohobos, Amarula, and the like. But usually aboutContinue Reading